ZeZito was born in February and escaped from home las weekend. He left me a note and some blured photos to assure that he's ok, and just went to a birthday party.Zezito told me that maybe he would'nt come back, because he's enjoying the new life.
Esta é a Zeza dos móveis. Nasceu há umas semanas e foi logo viver para Itália com a família nova. Disse que está a gostar muito, porque lá há muito móveis diferentes nas montras, e como já devem ter percebido, ela adora móveis. É caladinha, bem comportada e muito chique nos gestos!
This is ZezaFurniture. She was born several weeks ago, and went immediately to Italy with her owner. She loves the new life, because there are so much different furniture shops, and she's crazy about furniture! Zeza is very quiet, and glamorous, she likes luxury!
Nova morada, nova vida!
Once again, we received news from Zés who travelled to new homes, with new families. And again we were too glad with the photos.
ZéDog hurried sending news, and registered his first day with the new family.We updated the gallery of the adopted ones with the photos that he sent, and in order that the moment was even better registered, I publish below the mail that his new mum/family sent me!
(Thanks Luísa!)
À Solta
Andam Zinsectos à solta, por aí!
Como este, em Amarante! Vejam, no álbum de adoptados!
They're all around! Like this one, in Amarante. Take a look, at the adopted album.