
Zeza Borboleta Flor come gomas!

A Zeza Borboleta também enviou notícias e contou-nos que adora comer gomas!
(Obrigada Flor Freitas)
Zeza Butterfly send us news too, and told us that she loves eating gummies!
(thank you Flor Freitas!)

Zé Pastor no Alentejo

O Zé pastor esteve de férias no Alentejo, e enviou-nos estas lindas fotografias para partilhar connosco as paisagens maravilhosas que visitou.

Simpatizou naturalmente com as ovelhas!
Obrigada Zé!
(Obrigada Carol Green!)
Zé Shepherd at Alentejo, Portugal
Zé Shepherd was on vacation in Alentejo, Portugal, and sent us this beautiful photos to share with us the wonderful landscapes he visited
He sympathized naturally with the sheep!
Thank's Zé!
(Thank's Carol Green!)